Core Principles
GimSwap, the first platform to launch Korean Won stablecoin, is committed to three core principles to ensure maximum stability and trust.
100% Fiat-Backed
KRWO is fully backed by Open(Voucher) vouchers (OV vouchers), which are assets that are backed entirely by fiat currency.
Open Asset Co., Ltd. is responsible for maintaining stability of the fiat reserves for OV vouchers through regular audits conducted by independent auditing firms.
Transparency and Decentralization
All of GimSwap's smart contracts are available on GitHub, providing confidence to users.
The deployed smart contracts are designed to be immutable, preventing any modifications by a single entity and ensuring autonomous operation on the blockchain.
Scalability and Interoperability
While GimSwap currently supports KRWO on the Kaia Chain, it aims to expand its ecosystem across multiple blockchains to enhance accessibility and flexibility.
Operating on diverse networks will facilitate greater liquidity, mitigate risks, and secure the long-term stability of the KRWO ecosystem.
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